Winning and Losing

Monday, January 10, 2011

First day of school!!

I woke up late! It's Lucas's day of school!! I only hv one Hr to prepare n must leave the house. There are so much to do! Pack my bag, his water flasks, milk bottle, bath, make up, prepare my lunch on advanced, wake HUBBY and Lucas up.

Thankfully, papa drove us to school despite his tight schedule so we were early!

The adminstrative class showed us to Lucas's class named Kindness.

Love the little library they hv in class :)

Since we were the first in class, Lucas started looking around.

And he got himself a book.

I am happy to see him getting a 2nd book!!

The children have to hold on to his donut ring as the teachers bring them to class.

And papa surprised us again by fetching us back home ;)

We r so spoilt by papa!!

I can only accompany him for another 2 days n I hope he will be fine on Thursday onwards!!

And this is Lucas first day in proper school at 2 yrs 3 months old!!

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