Winning and Losing

Saturday, December 24, 2011

In the month of December 2011

It is an hectic month and today is especially hot and cold! Ops sorry? Hot and cold?!!! Yeah! Hot cos there are so many things to do on a Xmas eve! Need to grab the festive goodies n one more (not last min cos I have been running to five branches hunting!!) Xmas present to get for my bil! And finally!! I got it!! The rests of the presents are ready ever since .. One week ago! Started the shopping like two weeks ago! Have to get for the guests in the house and my family!

The Xmas tree was up only like this week cos I am not in a good condition to setup all by myself so have to wait for the kids to finally stay in my place this week! I tell you they have been the greatest assets!

And now they r spraying graffiti on the black color glass doors in the house!!

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