Winning and Losing

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


You know, sometimes in life some people just don't get it.

Will you arrange for a make up shop when u know you only have 10 people attending but catered for 30 people seating? Will it think miraculously god will drop you another 20 people? It's such a joke! End up, it have to drag family, 阿嬷, 女儿, models n friends n maybe 差一点阿公 (LOL!!!) to go so that it can 凑人数 to make the organizer feel that it actually have 20 friends?! 笑死人啦!! 难道五六十岁的阿嬷also buy from your bs?!!!

You know what this is called?
没那么大的头,拜托别带那么大顶帽! 糗死了!

And we onlookers will just giggle at it - kanila laosiaz! ;) lol till stomach pain!

Yixuan's blog

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