Winning and Losing

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Go listen to the ONLY one president candidate not from PAP

Day: Tuesday
Date: 23 August 2011
Time: 7.00pm – 10.00pm
Venue: Toa Payoh Stadium
Make your way down to the HEARTland of the Country, to join the HEART of our Nation, Tan Jee Say, as we prepare to pump fresh LIFEBLOOD throughout Singapore, come this 27th of August, 2011!
Bring your HEARTs down to Toa Payoh Stadium,  Wear them proudly on your Sleeves, Or anywhere else if you please!
Put on your Whites, all the better to show off your HEARTs of Red!
Let us all be as one HEART, on the night of 23rd August 2011!
Tell fellow Singaporeans you’re attending here!
To volunteer with us for this event, sign up here!

Invited Speakers’ Bio:
Dr Ang Yong Guan served in the SAF for 23 years from 1980 to 2003; 17 of which as amilitary psychiatrist. He retired in 2003 as a COLONEL. He is now inprivate practice. He is the founding and current Chairman of the ActionGroup for Mental Illness (AGMI), a non-profit advocacy group championingfor persons with mental illness. He had also served previously as thePresident of the Singapore Psychiatric Association and Chairman of theChapter of Psychiatrists, Academy of Medicine. He was awarded the PublicService Medal (PBM) in 1995 for his contribution in community work and thePublic Administration Medal (PPA) in 1996 for his service in the Singapore
Armed Forces.
Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss, 48, is a practising lawyer who earned her lawdegree in the United Kingdom. She also holds a Masters Degree in Corporate& Commercial Law from the London School of Economics & Political Scienceand was called to the English Bar in 1986. Jeannette is happily marriedand is a mother of four children aged between 13 and 21. She is theVice-President of the National Solidarity Party. But tonight, she is here
in her personal capacity as a Singaporean voter.
Tan Tze Yann, 34, is the nephew of Mr Tan Jee Say. He has lived overseasfor the past 13 years. Currently working in Shanghai as a Director in a US
MNC. He studied in US (Univ. of Michigan).
Fahmi Rais: Affectionately known to the community as the ‘TV strongman’after launching and leading 2 Malay channels. Have been active for 20years in community service as a youth and community leader. Acommunication professional with a decade of experience in seniormanagement position with multinational agencies. First career as anEducation Officer. Trained in law and holds a Master degree in Mass
Doctor Wong Wee Nam has been a doctor for 38 years. He has contested the1997 general election on a NSP ticket. He is also a retired army captainFor over 40 years, he has published nearly 70 letters to the forum pagebut since the internet age has decided to make his views known on theinternet.He has been a youth and community leader and also held leadershippositions in a football club, an erhu society and an old boy’s
association. He also has a law degree from the University of London.
Prof. Paul Tambyah is a Senior Consultant Infectious Diseases Physician ata major teaching hospital in Singapore. He has more than twenty yearexperience as a researcher, teacher and doctor and serves on numerous
international and local professional bodies.
Dr Vincent Wijeysingha trained in social work in the United Kingdom andwent on to do his doctorate in social policy at Sheffield University. Hewas a family social worker and taught sociology at Sheffield. In 2006 heset up a consultancy in London. He is the author of several scholarlyarticles. He returned to Singapore in 2009 and after some consultancy workwith a school in Burma and the Ministry of Community Development, Youthand Sports, was appointed the inaugural Executive Director of migrantrights group, Transient Workers Count Too in June 2010. He has also beenteaching at SIM University. Dr Wijeysingha has accepted the invitation to
speak in his personal capacity as a Singaporean voter.
Basil Hwang is the Hong Kong managing partner of a global law firm,specializing in the international financial markets and investment funds.At 16, Basil was awarded a two-year scholarship to study at the UnitedWorld College in Canada. He returned to Singapore to do his NationalService, and then studied law at the National University of Singapore,where he was a student union leader and graduated in the top 10% of hislaw school class. Since 2000, Basil has been working in the highlycompetitive markets of Hong Kong, competing with the very best from aroundthe world.  In 2007 at the age of 35, he founded the first Asian officeand became the youngest managing partner of an international law firm in
Hong Kong.
Nicole Seah, 24 years old, is an advertising executive with amultinational company. She graduated from the National University ofSingapore with an honours degree from the Department of Communications andNew Media and the University Scholars’ Programme. She has authored threeindependent research papers on the development of social media, activecitizenry and journalism in Singapore. She was also formerly chief editorof independent publication The Campus Observer, where she championed
deeper investigation of issues affecting NUS students.
Dr Ang served in the SAF for 23 years from 1980 to 2003; 17 of which as amilitary psychiatrist. He retired in 2003 as a COLONEL. He is now inprivate practice. He is the founding and current Chairman of the ActionGroup for Mental Illness (AGMI), a non-profit advocacy group championingfor persons with mental illness. He had also served previously as thePresident of the Singapore Psychiatric Association and Chairman of theChapter of Psychiatrists, Academy of Medicine. He was awarded the PublicService Medal (PBM) in 1995 for his contribution in community work and thePublic Administration Medal (PPA) in 1996 for his service in the Singapore
Armed Forces.

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