Winning and Losing

Saturday, January 2, 2010


was almost fallin asleep when something pops into my mind..

why do some blogshop owners simply don't wear their own clothes?
they always wear any other clothes, other than their own?

i love our own set of clothes & always insist on keepin some designs
that i can wear to my own.. 

why? becos i am a serious blogshop co-owner
and i really simply love the designs that we bring in. 

we do not bring in any tom dick n harry designs thinking just because we
think we have loyal customers so we can just lamely bring in or self manufacture some boring or unattractive designs ....

why? Because we love shopping and love to wear clothes that flatter us and make us look beautiful.. and we want our customers to be the same too.. Yeah! 

this was solely the reason why Kizzofgoddess was set up in the first place.. 

with this objective in mind, 
we are always careful and 
very selective in the designs 
that we bring in.. 

unlike some other blogshops - 
You can never see them wear their own clothes.. 

Ask them why.. oos..? 

i think most unlikely the reason... 
so do they deserve anyone clapping hands to them...
hmm.. i think no..

cos its so ironic...

so dears, please open your eyes.. 
KOG is the right place to shop.. 
The best place to shop...

U will know..
the service and many incidences..
We are Unique and You are too..

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